Soul Rebels M.C. Inc.......Chicago, Illinois
Hello friends and fellow bikers in Chicago. Geno Mac from the Soul Rebels Motorcycle Club here to introduce you to a new blog site where bikers from all over chicagoland and the State of Illinois can share thier thoughts, views and pictures of the urban biker experience. Hope this community can be useful in gaining some dialogue and unity among the African American Bikers in the Chicagoland area.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Come on, get it off your chest. Let's hear it......What's the latest. Who did what to who. He/She thinks he/she is all that. My bike is better then your bike. I have more chrome then you. I spent more dollars. In this corner you can get all of the "HATE" off your heart and put it right here. Let's fill this post up as fast as we can so that we can move onward and forward to a new day and a new attitude. We love the HATERS too.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
It's a Mahogany Soul Birthday

The Mahogany Souls Motorcycle club, one of the premier womans motorcycle clubs in the Chicagoland area, held a birthday celebration for one of ther very own. Ms. Slow-Motion, the clubs local president, celebrated her 40th birthday at the clubhouse on 69th and Marshfield earlier this evening. A festive time was had by all in attendance. Ms.Hottee, the clubs National president, and one of the Soul Rebels biggest supporters greeted guest with her cheerful smile and lovely disposition. You go Slow-motion. Here's wishing you many more.

Thursday, September 21, 2006
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Biker events, Parties, Gatherings, Rides, ect.
Post your events, rides, parties, social gatherings, trophy dances, ect. ect. We would love to hear from you......With 2 million total viewers to this website monthly. I'm sure you can find or post an event to spark yours and other peoples interest.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Hog Tales (Harley)
Let's hear about the latest tales and experiences from this summers riding season. Are you riding this winter. What are your winter plans for your bike. Storage tips, customizing, repairs. We want it all.
Black Bikers in the Chicagoland Area
Hello friends and fellow bikers in Chicago. Geno Mac from the Soul rebels motorcycle club here to introduce you to a new blog site where bikers from all over chicagoland and the state of Illinois can share there thoughts, views and pictures of the urban biker experience. Hope this community can be useful in gaining some dialouge and unity among the African American Bikers in the Chicagoland area.